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PreviewTextANALISABANGKITANDANDISTRIBUSIPERJALANANMASYARAKATKOTAPAMEKASAN.pdf AbstractAlong with the development of the City Pamekasan, then the travel needs of the community also increased. To meet this, the need for the development of transportation facilities. For that it needs to be done first study trip (Trip Generation) and study the distribution of movement (Trip Distribution).
The aim of this study was conducted to determine the model of trip generation and distribution Pamekasan City community today. Analysis of trip generation models Pamekasan City community using multiple linear regression method, with 8 independent variables from survey data of household interviews. While the trip distribution analysis using conventional methods directly, the interview at home. The final result can be known that analysis trip generation model in the equation, Y = -0.0037 + 1.004X2 + 0.997X3 + 0.979X4, with r = 0996 and R2 = 0992.
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The resulting trip generation Pamekasan City community currently at 79 020 movements per day, where the movement is produced by the movement of people who work at 30,420, the school amounted to 34 880 persons and persons engaged in activities other than work and school amounted to 13 720 movements per day. For inter-zone travel distribution produced the largest Pamekasan Citycommunity occurs in zone 5, that is equal to 2720 trips per day. And travel between the zones from zone 6 to zone 5, that is equal to 2460 trips per day. Item Type:Thesis(Other)Subjects:Divisions:Depositing User:Date Deposited:06 Jul 2012 06:14Last Modified:06 Jul 2012 06:14URI:Actions (login required)View Item.